
Text us: 717-478-3785

We’ve gone virtual! All design services are available local to Global, we are grateful for the continued opportunity to serve and bring beauty to your spaces. We are now exclusively virtual to meet all of your design needs.

Feng Shui & E-Design Specialist

Premium Design Solutions from the comfort of your home.

We are trained experts in staging, design, color, and creating a theme for every room within your space. Check out our services to see which will serve your design needs best.


Space Clearing Ceremonies

Quornesha’s Intuitive and Spiritual Expertise helps her to clear your space and bring the highest energy to attract buyers or happy living into your home.

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What is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui is the art and flow of energy through and around your home. Even our bodies have feng shui energy, it’s called consciousness. Feng Shui Integrates the Four Elements, Style and Decor. +More. It is an Ancient Chinese System on how energy flows…

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  • Quornesha is a powerful manifestor. Her energy has not only helped me to sell my property quickly, but her feng shui tips got my money flowing again and business skyrocketed. -Client

  • Quornesha’s feng shui tips had buyers walking up to me from off the street, not just on mls. Out of the blue, it was magical. - Client of Austin, Tx

  • There was a dark presence in my home and after one week of Quornesha clearing my space, The energy shifted. -Sacramento, Ca Client

  • OMG buy her feng shui services, without question, she has helped me in ways I can’t explain. One moment i’m drowned in a mortgage, the next I’m buying a second home. Thanks Q! Texas, Client

What Is Home Staging?

Home staging is the art of decorating your home for the sales process. We are professionals in helping you prepare your listing(s) so that it can stand out in a competitive market. Book w/Us.

SaQred Space Clearing Service
from $218.88

Space Clearing Service by Feng Shui Consultant Quornesha